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How to build a Domestic Waste Garbage Sorting Center?

Article published:2023-10-09

How to build a Domestic Waste Garbage Sorting Center?

Today we will introduce how to build a domestic Waste Garbage Sorting center.


1. Site Selection
Garbage sorting centers should be located away from residential areas, scenic spots, water sources, ecologically fragile areas and military confidentiality areas. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid overlapping with traffic arteries, airport clearance areas, river embankment areas and other environmental protection objectives.


2. Construction Scale
The construction scale of the garbage sorting center should be determined based on parameters such as the population in the service area and the amount of garbage generated. Generally speaking, the size of a sorting center should be between 300 tons and 500 tons of garbage per day.

How to build a Domestic Waste Garbage Sorting Center?

3. Construction Standards
1. Architectural design: The building should comply with relevant national architectural design specifications and have anti-corrosion, anti-leakage, dust-proof, fly-proof, rodent-proof and other measures to ensure environmental sanitation and personal safety.

2. Environmental Protection requirements: National environmental protection regulations should be strictly implemented to control waste water, waste gas, waste residue, odor and other pollutants to ensure that all indicators meet national emission standards.

3. Equipment Configuration: It should take into account functions such as domestic waste disposal, large items, garden waste disposal, recyclable sorting and disposal, hazardous waste temporary storage, etc., and be equipped with advanced garbage sorting equipment, such as domestic waste resource disposal systems, large items , garden waste disposal system, recyclables sorting system, etc. to improve sorting efficiency and accuracy.

4. Production Safety: A production safety management system should be established and full-time safety management personnel should be deployed to ensure production safety and personnel health.


4. Operation Management
1. The garbage sorting center should be operated and managed in accordance with relevant national regulations and establish a complete production management system and ledger system.

2. Classify, store, transfer and dispose of all types of sorted garbage to ensure that all types of garbage are rationally utilized and treated harmlessly.

3. Conduct regular environmental monitoring and evaluation to ensure that pollutants are discharged in compliance with standards.

4. Strengthen employee training and education to improve employees’ environmental awareness and operational skills.

The above are the construction standards for garbage sorting centers. When constructing garbage sorting centers, each region should carry out specific planning and implementation based on actual conditions.